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Be strong and courageous. Do it scared. Be strong and courageous. But don't do it unprepared. Come prepared to work. Come prepared to sacrifice. Come prepared to FOCUS.

Follow one course until successful. Are you ripe and rotten or green and growing? Can you follow the instructions of those who have gone before you? What's the worst thing that could happen?

Death is inconsequential. What is life that we should cling to it? What is time that we should be bound by it? In the scope of eternity, what is the meaning of life? In the face of a fallen humanity, what is the glory of life? What is success?

Who can define it? Is it my way all the way? Or is it Yahweh? His ways His thoughts

Aren't they much higher than our own? High and lifted up Supreme and superior We think we're so smart. And have things all figured out. But we've missed it.

Go to school Get an education Slave away to get an A Get a job Get a death grip- I mean a mortgage

Buy a car Owe the banks more money Get married Have a family ie more mouths to feed

“I have to provide for myself so I can't do the will of God.”

“I have to provide for my family so I can't quit my job.” The prosperity of Abraham eludes us. The wisdom of Solomon confuses us. We've missed it. The wealthiest people in the world understand the principles of God better than His own children do.

We have so missed it. Faith is spelled R I S K. And faith without works is dead. You don't get if you don't give. You don't live if you don't die. You don't succeed unless you sacrifice.

We have access to the wisdom of the Creator of the universe.

We have access to the source of all things good. He holds the whole world in his hands. He owns everything. The whole world is his real estate. We're all just renting space.

Why are his children so afraid? Why are we so caught up in this life? Why are we so consumed by our needs? We have lost focus of what is really important. The fall of man was a historic moment. Everything became broken, including Yahweh's heart. We're so focused on the pieces that we've forgotten the mosaic.

Why was the all powerful God willing to die in the hands of humans? Why was he even willing to strip himself of his glory in heaven to become a human? Why is God so obsessed with his creation? Why is he so focused on redeeming our broken relationship and reclaiming friendship with us?

What is it about us that captures the Father's heart? What did he want to get by giving his one and only son? He was willing to give up his own life so that we wouldn't have to. He became the ultimate sacrifice slain for all of humanity For all those who were, who are and who will be. What was he after?

Why did he do all of this? Who are we that he would do this for us instead of completely getting rid of us? Surely it would be easier to destroy the whole world and completely wipe us off of the face of the earth.

But why did he save Noah and his family? What is it about us that captures the Father's heart?

We're so caught up in our own lives that we've disregarded the life of Christ. We're so lost in our own emotions that we've lost sight of the heart of Yahweh. We're so consumed by our own needs that we've relinquished the desires of the Father.

Let us turn away from the mirror and face Jesus. Let us lose sight of ourselves and see him.

What's the worst thing that could happen? Dying and going to heaven? Our fears are rational to us because we know not the perfect love of God. May we resist the deception of our true enemy and regain friendship with the one who truly loves us. Yahweh, the Creator of the Universe The Sustainer of Life The Distributor of every good thing He held back not even his own life. What more can he give to us to demonstrate his love and great commitment to us?

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