Gabrielle Joy

Feb 23, 20222 min


You, oh LORD, are powerful and mighty, victorious and majestic.

You hold the whole world in your hands.
Creation conforms to the power of your Word.

You speak and it is. The whole earth is filled with your glory.

The world is sustained by your voice.
You call out to the hearts of men.
How deceived can we be to not respond?
It is to our detriment to reject you and it breaks your heart when we do not answer.

You long to hold us in your arms and to carry us on your wings - to show us great things within ourselves and displayed in the rest of your creation.
My soul longs for you but not more than you long for me. I am grateful to be a recipient of your adoration.

My God and my King, you are my everything.
You bring meaning to my life and purpose to my every breath.
It is because of you why I sing.
It is because of you why I live.

It is because of you why I accept my existence as a good thing.
I am so grateful for your love and your mercy.
There is nothing that I could do to repay you.
Everything that I do to glorify your name benefits me in some way. How can this be?
How can you give everything to me?

I am ashamed to say that there were moments when I have disgraced your name.
Yet Glory hallelujah be to the King of kings - the one who rules forever.
Jesus Christ died on the cross. He is the lamb that was slain for the whole world.
The blood of Yahweh - Yahweh, the creator of the universe - powerful enough to redeem the past, present and future.
He was. He is. And He is to come.

In His resurrection we all have access to life after death.
The power of sin is broken! Eternal life has already begun!
May we never be deceived by the serpent ever again. May we never take of our own volition. Even if we see that it is good and pleasurable, if it has not been given then it is not ours for the taking.

Our Heavenly Father gives in abundance.
Yahweh held back not even His own life.
What more can He give to us to demonstrate His love and commitment to us?
May all deception that has been deeply rooted in our hearts be pulled up.
May our knowledge and wisdom and faith in the love and grace of God replace the empty space left behind when deception was completely cleared out.

Let the truth of God take root in our hearts and branch out in our being to become a tree of life planted by the rivers of the Rhema of Yahweh that we receive moment by moment, day by day - a never ending flow.

Your word is truth and it will forever be on my lips. I glorify you Father. I bless your holy name. I live because you live in me and I will eternally be grateful.
